Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (JEAS). Tumaclas et al., 2022. Volume 24(3&4): 1-10
Open Access – Research Article
Solid Waste Characterization and Management in the Municipality of Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao, Mindanao, Philippines
Glyziel Tumaclas 1, Mashod Guno 1, Maria Del Carmen Espina 1, Yousouf Ali Kamenza 1,
Gajil Santos 1, Joel Pardillo 1
1 University of Mindanao, Davao City, 8000 Davao del Sur, Philippines
Abstract: Identifying solid waste characterization and management is an important measure to determine the sustainability of the waste management practice. The researchers adopted a descriptive quantitative research study to gather data in the Municipality of Datu Saudi Ampatuan. A process called ‘Pre-WACS’ (Waste Analysis and Characterization Study) is a three-step methodology aimed at characterizing solid waste. Along with this, the observation of waste generators is perceived as crucial in this study. Identifying the sources of each waste type is essential in predicting the possible types of waste a municipality may produce, enabling waste management processes to be adequately prepared beforehand, and allowing for a more efficient waste management workflow. In the study, it was found that the municipality generated daily ∼5.6 tons of solid waste. Residential waste sources contributed the highest amount of solid waste amounting to 1.6 tons, while the agro-industries waste sources contributed the least amounting to only 1.1 tons. Additionally, more than half of the solid waste was biodegradable and eligible for fertilizer production. In order to minimize the production of solid waste, it was recommended to increase recycling methods and use more sustainable ways to manage the waste generated by the municipality.
Keywords: solid waste management, solid waste characterization, waste reduction, sustainable consumption, biodegradable waste
*Corresponding author: Glyziel Tumaclas email:
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Tumaclas, G., M. Guno, M.D.C. Espina, Y.A. Kamenza, G. Santos and J. Pardillo. 2022. Solid waste characterization and management in the municipality of Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Journal of Environmental& Agricultural Sciences. 24(3&4):1-10.
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