MCQs Botany-2 Posted on 2023-04-292024-10-14Author admin 0 MCQs Botany-2 1. ____________ is the process of water uptake by roots Absorption Transpiration Hydrolysis Photosynthesis 2. In plants,_____________ is called seed viability The ability of the seed to germinate and produce a healthy and viable plant The ability of the seed to store food and nutrients for the developing plant The ability of the seed to withstand extreme environmental stress The ability of the seed to disperse 3. ________ is the main energy-producing organelle in the cell Endoplasmic reticulum Ribosome Nucleus Mitochondria 4. _______ is the scientific name name for the peanut plant Brassica oleracea Cucumis sativus Arachis hypogaea Solanum tuberosum 5. Photorespiration takes place in ___________ Peroxisomes Mitochondria Chloroplast Chloroplast, Peroxisomes, Mitochondria 6. ___________ is sum total of all conditions surrounding us at a specific time and location Ecosystem Environment Weather Niche 7. __________ is the botanical name of the tomato plant Solanum lycopersicum Vitis vinifera Cucumis sativus Brassica oleracea 8. ________ cell lacks a well defined nucleus Animal Cell Eukaryotic cell Prokaryotic cell Plant Cell 9. _______ can be termed as soil structure Arrangement of soil particles Relative proportion of soil particles Structural strength of soil particles Segregation of soil particle 10. __________ is called seed dormancy The ability of the seed to remain in a dormant state The ability of the seed to withstand extreme environmental stress The ability of the seed to disperse in the surroundings The ability of the seed to germinate and produce a healthy and viable plant 11. ________ proposed germplasm theory Von Baer None Francis Galton August Weismann 12. Golgi apparatus in a cell can perform ____________function Protein production To package and distribute proteins and lipids Genetic material storage Energy production 13. Cell wall is a distinct feature of ___________ cell Animal Cell Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell Plant Cell 14. In plants________ are the chemicals synthesized during photosynthesis Nutrients Photosynthates Minerals Leachates 15. Concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere is approximately ____________________________ 0.04% 78% 0.9% 21% 16. Concentration of nitrogen in the atmosphere is approximately ____________________________ 0.9% 0.04% 78% 21% 17. In plants________ is the movement of synthesized materials from leaves to other plant parts Ascent of sap Translocation Absorption Adsorption 18. Soil texture can be defined as____________ Relative proportion of soil particles Segregation of soil particle Arrangement of soil particles Structural strength of soil particles 19. High temperature causes increased _______ , leading to plant water stress Evaporation Evapotranspiration Transpiration Photosynthesis 20. __________ is the common name of Triticum dicoccum Einkorn wheat Emmer wheat Winter wheat Durum wheat Loading … Question 1 of 20