MCQ Test Agronomy-9

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for Test Preparation

Agronomy – Test 9

MCQ Test Agronomy-9

1. An approach to optimize inputs and maximize yield through technology is called_____________


2. Discipline that studies the relationship between agricultural production and climatic factors is called agricultural ____________________


3. Heavy soils on drying cracked are formed, causing very high initial _____ rate.



4. Prolonged heatwave can impact crop production through____________________


5. ___________________ directly affects the rate of crop evapotranspiration


6. Hurricanes or cyclones affect agriculture by ____________________



Solar radiation contributes more than _____% in the total energy input of the world 



8. The word arid is associated with the deficiency of  ____________________


9.  ____________________ amount of energy is required to convert 10 g of liquid water into water vapors (at 20.0)


10. _______________ can play important role in disease spread in plants


11. When warm, saturated air mass replaces cool and dry air mass over a cool surface result in the formation of______ .


12. The point at which assimilation gains equal respiration losses is known as _______ point.


13. Considering photosynthetic system, maize is a ______plant


14. _______________ duration represents time of Green Revolution


15. In cereals, high temperature during flowering can cause______________


16. Excess of intense rainfall can cause______________


17. Hailstorms can have negative impact on crop production by______________


18. _______________ was the main purpose of Green Revolution


19. ___________ describes death of plant parts


20. Optimum_______________ is critical for successful insect pollination


Question 1 of 20

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