Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (JEAS) is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes following types of articles:
- Original research articles
- Review articles
- Technical reports
- Short communications
- Case studies
Letter to editor and Methodology articles:
- Biology
- Plant
- Animal
- Environmental and Agricultural Sciences
- Allied subjects e.g., Sociology and Economics etc.
Author Guidelines: Authors can prepare their manuscript according to following guidelines
1. Submission:
Manuscript can be submitted through our online submission system or email ( The submitted articles should not be published and/or considered for publication elsewhere in the world in any form. Upon submission, it is considered that all the authors named in the manuscript agree with the manuscript contents and are responsible for the validity as well as the originality of data. The journal administration is not or will not be supposed to agree with scientific contents and data therein published in the manuscripts.
2. Plagiarism
The submitted manuscripts are being evaluated for the “Similarity Index” using appropriate software so the authors must take care of plagiarism while copying text from other articles and materials.
Definition of Plagiarism: The intentional or unintentional copying of the words of published material by the author himself or by other authors i.e., duplicate publication of the author’s own work or work of other authors without proper citation. Whenever an author uses exact words from published material, they must be placed in quotation marks and a citation must be given.
Plagiarism in any case is an unacceptable practice, Agro Publishers and the Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences follows strict policy about Plagiarism.
3. Scientific procedure for conducting research
It is assumed that the submitted work has been conducted in accordance with the biological welfare laws acceptable worldwide and/or laws of the country where the work was undertaken; however, the journal management has the right to reject any manuscript where there is enough reason to believe that necessary laws and procedures have not been followed.
4. Copyrights
The copyrights of the published manuscripts belong to Agro Publishers and JEAS.
5. Potential Reviewers
Authors are invited to provide the complete information of qualified reviewers.
- Name
- Affiliation
- Email ID
- Postal Address
6. Manuscript Preparation
6.1 Regular Articles (Research Article)
Articles should be as concise as possible; however, it should not exceed 4-10 pages of the journal (12-26 pages with double space excluding figures and tables of word document).
The submitted articles should be divided into the following sections;
(a) Title page: should contain title of the article, complete names of authors, affiliated institutes, and email IDs. Complete details of the Corresponding author. Avoid abbreviations in the title.
(b) Authors Information: Provide information about all contributing authors
- Name
- Affiliation
- Email ID
- Postal Address
(c) Abstract: Abstract of approximately 100-350 words describing clearly but briefly about background, methodology, results, and conclusion.
(d) Keywords: 4-10 keywords most relevant to the contents of the article should be indicated at the end of abstract.
(e) Introduction: Introduction stating clearly the purpose and background of the research work done with some review of literature.
(f) Materials and Methods: This section should clearly describe the methodology, materials, procedure of analysis and data used in the research.
(g) Results and Discussion: This section may be combined or presented separately
(g) Conclusion: This section must clearly state the key findings of the research along with their importance.
(h) List of abbreviations: Abbreviations used in the text should be defined at their first use and their list can be provided after the conclusion section.
(i) Competing interest
(j) Acknowledgements: Acknowledge all the contributors, sources of funding and scholarships etc.
(k) References
(l) Tables and figures must be arranged at the end of the manuscript.
6.2 Short Communications
Short communications should be concise containing about 3-4 pages of the Journal, (9 pages of word document with double space, including illustrations, tables and references). An abstract of 100-250 words should be included. The short communication should not include any heading or sub-heading. Only abstract should be separated from the rest of write up. The total number of references should not exceed more than twenty.
6.3. Reviews
Review articles are also welcomed. Authors should have background of the work and are encouraged to consult the editor in advance before submission. References of the books should be avoided in writing the review articles. The article must include an introduction, appropriate headings in the text and conclusion.
It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that about 40-60% of the references should be within five years of relevant work for each form of publication and the submitted manuscripts comply with journal format.
7. Title Page
The title page should include:
- A concise and informative title.
- The name(s) of the author(s) in the order of appearance in the manuscript.
- The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s).
- The e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author*.
- Additional author notes if any.
7.1 Text Formatting
- Only manuscript written and submitted in Word (2003-2010) is acceptable.
- Should have 2.5 inch margin on each side of the page. Lines should be numbered and Automatic page numbering (bottom right) should be used to number the pages in manuscript
- Use a normal, plain font (e.g., 10-point Times Roman) for text. Italics may be used to emphasize on certain points.
- Avoid using field functions. For indent, use tab stops or other commands, not the space bar. To make tables, use the table function, not spreadsheets. Use the equation editor or Math Type for equations.
7.2 Headings
- Please avoid using more than three levels of displayed headings.
7.3 Symbols and Abbreviations
- With respect to symbols in the manuscript, System International (SI) should be used. Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.
7.4. Acknowledgments
- Acknowledgments of people involved, national or international grants or funds and funding organizations etc. should be placed in a separate section (both in regular article and short communications) before the reference list.
7.5 References
- The typescript should be carefully checked to ensure that the spelling of the author’s names and dates are exactly the same as mentioned in the reference list according the original article. In the text, the references should be cited as Author, year styles. Use “and” if article is written by two authors followed by year of publication, however, use et al. (non-italics) for more than two authors followed by year of publication.
- Multiple articles by the same author and date can cited as Surname of first author, followed by et al (non-italic) and year with a, b or c. eg., Kimball et al., 2012a, Kimball et al., 2012b. In text to cite more than one references at place, both should be separated by semicolon (;) followed by space e.g. Rehmani et al., 2011; Ding et al., 2010.
- For enlisting references following points should be considered
- “References should be arranged alphabetically, according to the authors and then according to year.
Journal Articles
A complete reference includes: Author(s). year of publication. Complete title of the article. Journal title (abbreviated). Volume: page number(s) (range).
- For titles of articles, only first letter of the first word need to capitalized, however, proper names and scientific names should be used in capitalized form.
- The family name of the first or individual author followed by the initials of the given name(s). However, names of co-author(s) should be written in way the first initials of given name(s) without space and then family name. Authors should be separated by comma. Add (and) before the name of last author: A.B. Opus, B.C. Hobbs and H.A. Kaleem.
- If multiple articles by the same author and date such articles should be first arranged according to author name and then year followed by a, b or c. after the year (without space). eg., Kimball et al., 2012a, Kimball et al., 2012b.
- The number of the issue of the volume of a journal may be not be given, unless paging of each number starts from 1 or issue number may be given in all the references consistently.
- Names of journal and number of their volumes are not required to be underlined
- Standard abbreviation of journals should be used.
Onemli, F. 2012. Impact of climate changes and correlations on oil fatty acids in sunflower. Pakistan J. Agri. Sci. 49(4):455-458.
Allen, M.R. and T.F. Stocker. 2014. Impact of delay in reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Nature Clim. Change. 4:23-26.
Rehmani, M.I.A., G. Wei, N. Hussain, C. Ding, G. Li, Z. Liu, S. Wang and Y. Ding. 2014. Yield and quality responses of two indica rice hybrids to post-anthesis asymmetric day and night open-field warming in lower reaches of Yangtze River delta. Field Crops Res. 156: 231-241.
Articles in serial publication
Krishnan, P., B. Ramakrishnan, K.R. Reddy and V.R. Reddy. 2011. High-temperature effects on rice growth, yield, and grain quality. Adv. Agron. 111: 87-206.
Articles not in English, with English Abstracts
Liu, Z., J. You, S. Wang, G. Li, and Y. Ding. 2011. Rice grain quality (In Chinese, with English abstract. Acta Agronmica Sinica. 10:14-22.
Books including Bulletins, reports, series work
Author(s). (ed. Or eds. For editor(s). Year of publication. Complete title of book. Edition. Complete address of Publisher, city, country (without underline). p. 1-5.
References for which author is unknown, may be listed as Anonymous. However, for publication of Government departments, organization and societies instead of author name, name of ministry, government department, society or organization should be used.
Bernard, R.L., G.A. Juvik, E.E. Hartwig and C.J. Edwards. 1988. Origin and pedigrees of public soyabean varieties in the United States and Canada. USDA Tech. Bull. 1746.
Ray D.E. 2001. Pyrethroid insecticides: mechanisms of toxicity, systemic poisoning syndromes, parenthesis and therapy. In: Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, Academic Press, San Diego, USA 2. p.1289-1303.
Proceedings reference
Lowe, K.F. and Hamilton B.A. 1986. Dairy pastures in the Australian tropics and subtropics. p. 68-79. In: Murtagh G.T. and Jones R.M. (eds), Proceedings of the 3rd Australian conference on tropical pastures, Rockhampton, Australia.
7.7. Tables
- Arabic numerals should be used to number the tables and Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.
- Begin each table caption with a label “Table 1:” and Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters and included beneath the table body.
- Vertical lines should not be used.
7.8. Figures
- The figure caption should begin with the label “Fig. 1:”, and an overall descriptive statement of the figure immediately after each figure followed by additional text.
- Figure parts should be indicated with capital letters (A) and Borders around figures should not be used.
- Figures should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order and should be submitted as jpg or tif files.
7.9. Supplementary Materials
- This section includes the text of the Supplementary Materials, which can include figures, tables, material and methods part. Supplementary material can be provided in the same manuscript file at the end of the manuscript after tables and figures.
7.10. Artwork and Illustrations
- The artwork and relevant illustrations are encouraged to submit in an electronic format. Soft copies of all illustrations/graphs prepared should be provided in Excel to adjust quality and size. JPEG or TIFF format should be used for figures along with appropriate size letter and numerals. The size of letter and numerals should be of consistent size in all the illustration or figures along with a caption. MS office files are also acceptable. Captions should be numbered in Arabic and typed separately from the illustrations. Each provided figures/illustrations should not be embedded in text. The illustration/photographs will be published in black and white; however, if required, color printing facility is provided to authors on payment basis. For details, contact the editorial office; the detail is available on website.
8. Review Process and Proofs
All the submitted contributions are subjected to the panel of editors for revision. Furthermore, the editor and/or editorial board’s decision regarding manuscript acceptance/rejection will be final and can’t be challenged anywhere. Upon satisfactory revision and acceptance, the galley proof of manuscript will be sent to authors for correction through e-mail, if required. The authors are requested to return the manuscript with minor changes within a week time.
9. Online publishing
After revision and proofs, the accepted articles will be immediately published online, with year, volume and page numbers. As the journal is available online, no hard copy will be provided to the author/authors on publication of his/her manuscript. The manuscript will be freely available online, where it can be downloaded from anywhere.