Manuscript Submission and Publication Process

Manuscript Submission

Submit your manuscript through email at

You can contact Editor JEAS through WhatsApp: +92-333-6304269

Article Publication Charges (APC)

The Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (JEAS) is a self-funded, open-access journal that relies on Article Processing Charges (APC) to maintain its operations and publication process and standards. Authors have to pay Article Processing Charges for their articles accepted for publication.
Article Publication Charges (effective January 1, 2025)

[for authors (First/Corresponding Author) affiliated with University/Institutes other than Pakistan]

for authors (First/Corresponding Author) affiliated with University/Institutes from Pakistan]

Partial Wavier Policy (must apply at the time of manuscript submission)

Waiver and Discount Policy (contact Editor JEAS through WhatsApp: +92-333-6304269 )
JEAS believes that APC should not be a barrier to quality research work. We offer waivers or discounts on a case-by-case basis for
  • Fresh Authors, Researchers /students with limited funding
  • Authors from Low- and Middle-Income Countries. 
  • Reviewers who have made significant contributions to JEAS may also be eligible for a waiver (see Reviewer Reward Policy)
For Waiver or discount, the Submitting Author must submit applications before article submission. JEAS Editorial Team will assess the application, based on the quality of the research article and the potential of author/s to pay the APC.
Reviewer Reward Policy
  • Starting from January 1, 2025, reviewers who submit high-quality, in-depth reviews on time will receive a 10% discount on article publication fees for papers in which they are authors or co-authors.
  • If the discounts have not been utilized previously and continuously, Five reviews have been submitted, the Editorial Board will waive all fees for ONE publication.
  • Researchers and students with more than 6 authors on their manuscript are not eligible for a waiver.
  • The Editorial Board reserves the right to approve or reject waiver applications and reviewer rewards.
Special Offer (valid till December 31, 2024)
  • JEAS offers a complete APC waiver for articles submitted during 2024.

Manuscript Submission and Publication Process

1: Manuscript Preparation
  • Authors prepare their manuscript/s according to the journal’s guidelines and submission requirements (See JEAS Author Guidelines )
  • Manuscripts should include:
    • Title page with authors’ names, affiliations, email ID, and affiliation
    • Abstract (brief summary of the research)
    • JEAS follows IMRAD format with Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion sections
    • References and citations
    • Tables, figures, and other supporting materials
2: Submission
  • Authors submit their manuscript to the journal through an online submission system or email (
  • The manuscript is checked for completeness and adherence to journal guidelines. Incomplete / Irrelevant articles will not be processed
3: Editorial Review
  • The journal Editorial Team (Editor or Assistant Editor or Managing Editor) reviews the manuscript to determine its suitability for peer review.
  • The editor checks for:
    • Relevance to the journal’s scope
    • Quality of writing and presentation
    • Originality and significance of the research (Similarity Index, JEAS follows guidelines of HEC) 

3.1. Plagiarism

The submitted manuscripts are being evaluated for the “Similarity Index” using appropriate software so the authors must take care of plagiarism while copying text from other articles and materials. Plagiarism in all its forms is unethical and it is unacceptable.

Definition of Plagiarism: The intentional or unintentional copying of the words of published material by the author himself or by other authors i.e., duplicate publication of the author’s own work or work of other authors without proper citation. Whenever an author uses exact words from published material, they must be placed in quotation marks and a citation must be given.

Plagiarism in any case is an unacceptable practice, Agro Publishers and Agropublishers / JEAS follow strict policy about Plagiarism.

4: Peer Review
  • If the manuscript passes the editorial review, it is sent to a strict blind peer review process. Manuscript is sent to peer reviewers with expertise in the relevant field.
  • The peer reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on its
    • Scientific merit,
    • Validity and soundness of the research
    • Quality of methodology and data analysis
    • Clarity and coherence of the writing
    • Contribution to the field and impact
  • The reviewers provide detailed comments and recommendations to the authors, which helps to improve the manuscript’s quality and rigor.
5: Revision and Resubmission
  • Authors address the reviewers’ comments and revise their manuscript accordingly.
  • The revised manuscript is resubmitted to the journal.
6: Second Round of Peer Review (if necessary)
  • If the revised manuscript is still not satisfactory, it may be sent for another round of peer review.
  • This process continues until the manuscript meets the journal’s standards.
7: Acceptance and Copyediting
  • Once the manuscript is accepted, it is copyedited for grammar, punctuation, and style.
  • The authors are sent Galley Proof of the manuscript for final review and approval.
8: Publication
  • The manuscript is published online
  • The publication is indexed in relevant databases and citation indexes.
9: Post-Publication
  • The journal may publish errata or corrections if errors are discovered after publication.
  • The authors are responsible for promoting their research and responding to any post-publication comments or critiques.


Publication Ethics:

JEAS Policy Statement:

JEAS Archive:

Citation record of JEAS: JEAS Google Scholar page