Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (JEAS)
JEAS Volume 2 (2015)
Title: Soil Applied Zinc Ensures High Production and Net Returns of Divergent Wheat Cultivars Authors: Hamid Nawaz, Nazim Hussain, Azra Yasmeen, Muhammad Arif, Mubashir Hussain, Muhammad Ishaq Asif Rehmani, Muhammad Bilal Chattha and Ayaz Ahmad Pages: Article 1
Title: Evaluating Permanent Planting Basin for Optimum Plant Populations of Maize and Beans Authors: Godfrey A. Otim, Drake N. Mubiru, James Lwasa, Jalia Namakula, William Nanyeenya, Okello Robin, John Elem Pages: Article 2
Title: Differential Planting Density Influences Growth and Yield of Hybrid Maize (Zea mays L.) Authors: Muhammad Ijaz, M. Aown Sammar Raza, Sajid Ali, Kamran Ghazi, Tauqeer A. Yasir, Muhammad Saqib and Muhammad Naeem Pages: Article 3
Title: Economics and Dependence of Wheat Productivity on Farm Size in Southern Punjab Authors: Shoaib Akhtar, Maqsood Hussain, Sarfraz Hassan, and Nadeem Iqbal Pages: Article 4
Title: Soil Carbon Dynamics and Soil Properties Influenced by Different Types of Agronomic Land Use in the Forest Zone of Nigeria Authors: Effiom Essien Oku, Tom Ojikpong, Adamu Yakubu and Peter Ezeaku Pages: Article 5
Title: Genotypic variations in potassium contents of potato leaves infested with late blight of potato incited by Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary Authors: Muhammad Nasir Subhani, Shahbaz Talib Sahi, Liaqat Ali, Abdul Rehman and Waqas Wakil Pages: Article 6
Title: Effect of halo-priming on germination and vigor index of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) Authors: Asmat Batool, Khurram Ziaf and Muhammad Amjad Pages: Article 7
Title: Genotypic Variations in Wheat for Phenology and Accumulative Heat Unit under Different Sowing Times Authors: Abdul Sattar, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal, Ahsan Areeb, Zeeshan Ahmed, Muhammad Irfan, Rana Nauman Shabbir, Ghulam Aishia and Saddam Hussain Pages: Article 8
Title: Efficacy of Neem, Basil and Chilli Powders as Antifeedant in the Red Flour Beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Authors: Mohammed Esmail Abdalla Elzaki and Abdalla Mohamed Ali Pages: Article 9
Title: Current Trends of Decent Work in Cotton Ginning Small and Medium Enterprises of Pakistan Authors: Asif Sajjad, Asad Imran, Saeed Akbar, Arif Hamid Makhdum Pages: Article 10
Title: Trends and Anomalies in Daily Climate Extremes over Iran during 1961-2010 Authors: Fatemeh Parak, Ahmad Roshani, Javad Bodagh Jamali Pages: Article 11
Title: Effects of Run-on Area Treatment of Semicircular Bund on Infiltration Rate and Moisture Storage on Clay Soil at Dhera Hillside, Ethiopia Authors: Fitih Ademe Pages: Article 12
Title: Estimating Rice Yield Based on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index at Heading Stage of Different Nitrogen Application Rates in Southeast of China Authors: Kailou Liu, Yazhen Li, Huiwen Hu, Lijun Zhou, Xiaojun Xiao, Paolan Yu Pages: Article 13
Title: Groundwater situations and IWRM to overcome climate change induced challenges in a drought prone area of Bangladesh Authors: Raisin Akhter Feroz, Md. Abdur Rouf, Khabir Uddin Pages: Article 14
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