MCQs Botany-10

MCQs Botany-10

1. What is the advantage of cross-pollination?


2. Heterospary is a characteristic of ————-



The waxy coating on some fruits helps to:


4. The process by which flowers respond to changes in water availability is called —-


5. The ————- greatly enhances the ability of plant leaves to perform photosynthesis efficiently


6. In plant deficiencies in certain minerals can cause————


7. ——- is the arrangement of leaves on a stem


8. A ——- is the stalk that connects an individual flower within an inflorescence to the main stalk of the inflorescence


9. ——– leaf venation has a single main vein (midrib) running down the center


10. Which of the following nitrogenous bases are found in RNA?


Question 1 of 10

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