MCQs Botany-17 Posted on 2024-07-142024-11-08Author admin 0 MCQs Botany-17 1. In an aquatic food web, primary consumers typically feed on——- Detritus Zooplankton Phytoplankton Apex predators 2. Stomata are absent in ———– Bryophytes Dicots Monocots Gymnosperms 3. Lenticels are found in the ——— Epidermis Periderm Vascular cambium Cortex 4. The primary role of salt glands in halophytes is to———- Enhance nutrient uptake Absorb salt Store salt Excrete excess salts 5. Which of the following plants uses the C3 pathway? Wheat Maize Pineapple Cactus 6. What is the function of cytochrome? To absorb light energy To synthesize glucose To regulate hormones To transfer electrons 7. Which process involves water movement into a cell from a surrounding solution? Endosmosis Plasmolysis Exosmosis Diffusion 8. Salt glands are found in———- Mangroves Cacti Ferns Mosses 9. Which process involves the random movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration? Exosmosis Plasmolysis Endosmosis Diffusion 10. Which family does Aloe vera belong to? Asphodelaceae Solaneacae Rubiaceae Apocynaceae Loading …