Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (JEAS). Getso and Hassan, 2020. Volume 22(3): 7-12
Open Access – Research Article
Socio-economics Factors Associated with Poultry Production in Kano, Nigeria
Munnir Mukhtar Getso 1,*, Alhassan Musa Hassan 1,*
1 Kano University of Science and Technology, Wudil, Nigeria
Abstract: This study was carried out to investigate the factors associated with low productivity among poultry farmers in Kano Metropolis. Questionnaires were used to obtain the primary data; 150 poultry farmers were sampled using a multistage technique from 3 selected Local Government Areas, including Ungoggo, Kumbotso, and Nassarawa. Fifty (50) poultry farmers were randomly sampled from each local government, respectively and the obtained data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The result shows that males carried the highest proportion (82.67%) and are married (90.67%) at their younger age of 36-45 years (42.0%). About 66.6% of the respondents were rearing layers. However, 82.33% were not using antiseptic as a foot bath, while 18.67% were using it as a foot bath. All the respondents 100% adhered to the vaccination schedule, but they are still experiencing Newcastle, Coccidiosis, Gumboro, Chronic respiratory disease, fowlpox, and salmonellosis due to the inefficient biosecurity measures. About 80% were using a deep litter management system, while 20% were using a battery cage. The study proved that 83.33% of the low productivity was attributed to diseases and 26.67% to heat stress. It is recommended that, if possible, Poultry farmers should be encouraged to use an automatic sprayer and powerful fan in their poultry houses to cushion the level of heat stress to their poultry.
Keywords: Biosecurity, antiseptic, foot bath, vaccination.
*Corresponding author: Munnir Mukhtar Getso:
Cite this article as: Getso and Hassan 2020. Socio-economics factors associated with poultry production in Kano, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences.22(3):7-12. View Full-Text Citations
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