MCQs Botany [1] Posted on 2023-04-07Author admin 0 1. Major component of legume seeds consists of ___________________ Protein Starch Minerals Fat 2. Select correct sequence of scientific classification of living organisms Kingdom → Class → Phylum → Order → Family Kingdom → Order → Class → Phylum → Family Kingdom → Phylum → Class → Order → Family Kingdom → Phylum → Order → Class → Family 3. In plants _______________ is the gross production minus respiration Net productivity Primary productivity Net primary productivity Secondary productivity 4. Scientifically sunflower seed is called________ Achene Siliqua Caryopsis Grain 5. _____________in the following is not a type of wheat plant Emmer Jasmine Einkorn Durum 6. Evapotranspiration is primarily driven by __________________ energy Wind energy Solar energy Anti-gravitational energy Atmospheric pressure 7. Plant response to touch stimulus is called___________________ Phototropism Gravitropism Thigmotropism Chemotropism 8. Scientific name of common rice is ___________________ Triticum aestivum Oryza glaberrima Brassica napus Oryza sativa 9. _____________of the following is NOT a factor that significantly affects plant growth and distribution Soil Type Temperature Air Pressure Light Intensity 10. Plant response to gravity is called___________________ Phototropism Gravitropism Chemotropism Thigmotropism 11. _____________is an essential micronutrient for plants Nitrogen Boron Magnesium Phosphorus 12. Regulation of fruit ripening is the primary function of____________hormone Cytokinin Gibberellin Ethylene Auxin 13. ___________________ can be the chemicals used for disease control in plants Nematicides Fungicides Herbicides Insecticides 14. Stem elongation by promoting cell growth is the primary function of____________hormone Cytokinin Ethylene Auxin Gibberellin 15. Pome fruits include________ Apple Apple, Pear, Quince Quince Pear 16. Cereal seeds are rich in ___________________ Carbohydrates Minerals Fat Protein 17. _____________of the following is a common adaptation of plants that grow in shade Large leaves Thick cuticle Small leaves Dark green leaves 18. _______________ is the scientific name of the strawberry plant Persea americana Fragaria Ananassa Actinidia deliciosa Ficus carica 19. Olericulture is the study dealing with_________________ Honey bee Fruits Vegetable production Ornamental plants 20. _____________is the major factor that triggers phenological development of plants Temperature Soil moisture Relative humidity Planting depth Loading … Question 1 of 20 Please leave this field emptySubscribe to Get JEAS Updates We’d love to keep you updated with our latest articles and news What’s your name? And your surname? Email Address * We don’t spam! Read our [link]privacy policy[/link] for more info. Thanks for subscribing JEAS updates Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription.