MCQs Zoology-15

MCQs Zoology-15

1. The most abundant carbohydrate in animals is ————–.


2. ______ forms the inner lining of the digestive cavity of an embryo.


3. By the year 2100, the population of the earth is expected to reach approximately ———–


4. In the DNA molecule, the base Adenine pairs with the base ______.


5. ———– is the primary function of glycogen in animals


6. Which of the following are pyrimidine bases found in RNA?


7. During which metabolic process is ATP generated?


8. What is the primary function of the renal system in vertebrates?


9. ———- describes a group of birds of the same species that live and feed together


10. According to Charles Darwin, evolution is ________


Question 1 of 10

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