Tools and Techniques in Plant Ecology-A Review

Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (JEAS). Ehsan et al., 2016. Volume 7: 29-34

Open Access – Short Review

Tools and Techniques in Plant Ecology-A Review
Nusrat Ehsan 1’*, Sehrish Sadia 1’*, Jin-Tun Zhang 1, Arshad Ali Sheayi 2, Akash Tariq 3,4, Ke Cao 1
¹ College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing-100875, China
² Institute of Geographic sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
³ Department of Botany, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Kohat-26000, Pakistan
4 Center for Ecological Studies, Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Abstract: To solve ecological interference problems, ecologists are using a combination of ecological strategies and tools and are also in search of new methods. Direct gradient analysis, ordination methods, principle components analysis, cluster analysis, TWINSPAN, discriminant analysis, reciprocal averaging, canonical correspondence analysis and detrended correspondence analysis were and are most commonly used tools and techniques in plant ecology. Advanced marker techniques, ecological footprint, Laser scanning, Dirichlet allocation model and ecological engineering are advanced methods in plant ecology. Dirichlet allocation model is non parametric method for multivariate analysis. Algorithmic model can be used as an alternative to traditional regression models. Still there is need to carry out a lot of research with the recently developed techniques to improve their efficiency, reliability and validity. Articles aimed to describe methodology play a crucial role in the advancement of applied ecology.

Keywords: Biodiversity, Ecological tools, Quantitative ecology, Softwares, Ecosystem

*Corresponding author: Sehrish Sadia:

Cite this article as Sadia, S., J.T. Zhang, A.A. Sheayi, A. Tariq and K. Cao. 2016. Tools and techniques in plant ecology: A review. Journal of Environmental & Agricultural Sciences. 7: 35-41.[Abstract] [View FullText] [Citations].

Title: Tools and Techniques in Plant Ecology-A review

Authors: Sehrish Sadia, Jin-Tun Zhang, Arshad Ali Sheayi, Akash Tariq and Ke Cao

Pages: 35-41


Copyright © Sadia et al., 2016. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original author and source are appropriately cited and credited.


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