MCQs Botany-3

MCQs Botany-3

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for Test Preparation

Botany – Test 3

1. _________ plant has monocotyledonous seed


2. ____________ is a legume species


3. _______________ is scientific name of strawberry plant


4. ________ is outer seed coat


5. Monohybrid cross involves__________________


6. ________ plants can tolerate higher concentration of salts


7. Watson and Crick’s model of DNA was described in __________


8. ____________ is the level of taxonomic study concerned with the biological aspects of taxa, including intraspecific populations, speciation, evolutionary rates and trends


9. _______________ is the scientific name of Kiwi plant


10. Plants exudate water from hydathodes is termed as __________


11. Function of DNA ligase during DNA replication is ___________________


12. Bacillus thuringiensis was named after the _____ where it was first discovered


13. A phenomenon in which individuals mature as males and can later change to become functional females is called ___________


14. __________ is the scientific name of common banana plant


15. _____________ is called the Tree of 21st century


16. ____________________ are nitrogenous bases in DNA


17. ____________________ are nitrogenous bases in RNA


18. Gregor Mendel was born in ________


19. At____________ oC temperature water has maximum density


20. The physical traits that appear in an individual as a result of its genotype are termed as__________


Question 1 of 20

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