Combining Textile Effluent Wastewater with Organic Fertilizer for Improved Growth and Productivity of Wheat and Soil Health

Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (JEAS). Ahmed et al., 2016. Volume 8: 14-20

Open Access – Research Article

Combining Textile Effluent Wastewater with Organic Fertilizer for Improved Growth and Productivity of Wheat and Soil Health

Faraz Ahmed 1, Muhammad Arshad 1, Allah Ditta 2, Azhar Hussain 3,*, Muhammad Naveed 1,
Muhammad Hasnain 1, Qudsia Nazir 1
1 Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan
Department of Environmental Sciences, PMAS, Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, 46300, Pakistan
Department of Soil Science, University College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, 63100, Pakistan

Abstract: Water scarcity is a worldwide problem which could be solved by the use of low quality water like textile effluent wastewater. However, this water contains toxic materials like azo dyes, heavy metals, etc. which have severe health hazardous effects after entering the food chains. Application of organic fertilizer with textile effluent wastewater could provide a sustainable solution to this problem as it provides adsorption sites for toxic materials and improves physicochemical and biological properties of soil. So, a pot experiment was conducted under glasshouse conditions using different combinations of textile effluent wastewater and organic fertilizer. The treatments where textile effluent wastewater and organic fertilizer were applied, their remaining NPK doses were fulfilled through chemical fertilizers. In results, treatment with textile effluent water + organic fertilizer @ 800 kg ha-1 (T6) showed at par results regarding the growth and yield parameters of wheat compared to control (T1; tap water and recommended doses of NPK). The same treatment caused an increase of 21%, 45%, 90% and 110% in no. of grains spike-1, root length (cm), fresh root and shoot biomass (g), respectively compared to the application of textile effluent water + recommended dose of NPK (T2). Similarly, NPK contents of straw (190%, 200% and 67%) and grain (45%, 300% and 73%) were significantly improved in textile effluent water + organic fertilizer @ 800 kg ha-1 (T6) compared to textile effluent water + recommended dose of NPK (T2), respectively. Moreover, microbial population was 1.5 folds more in textile effluent water + organic fertilizer @ 800 kg ha-1 (T6) compared to textile effluent water + recommended dose of NPK (T2). In conclusion, application of textile effluent wastewater along with organic fertilizer could help to mitigate its negative impacts on crop and soil health.

Keywords: Microbial population, Soil health, Soil properties, Wastewater.  

*Corresponding author: Azhar Hussain


Cite this article as Ahmed, F., M. Arshad, A. Ditta, A. Hussain, M. Naveed, M. Hasnain and Q. Nazir.. 2016. Combining textile effluent wastewater with organic fertilizer for improved growth and productivity of wheat and soil health. Journal of Environmental & Agricultural Sciences. 8: 14-20.  [Abstract] [View FullText] [Citations].

Title: Combining Textile Effluent Wastewater with Organic Fertilizer for Improved Growth and Productivity of Wheat and Soil Health

Authors: Faraz Ahmed, Muhammad Arshad, Allah Ditta, Azhar Hussain, Muhammad Naveed, Muhammad Hasnain and Qudsia Nazir

Pages: 14-20

Combining textile effluent wastewater, Combining Textile Effluent Wastewater with Organic Fertilizer for Improved Growth, Productivity of Wheat, Soil Health

Copyright © Ahmed et al., 2016. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original author and source are appropriately cited and credited.


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