Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (JEAS). Ali, 2021. Volume 23(1&2): 36-43
Open Access – Research Article
Effect of Different Methods of Boron Application on Growth and Yield Attributes of Maize (Zea mays L.)
Annam Yar 1,*
1 PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Abstract: Nutrients availability in soils of rain-fed areas of Pothwar is one of the critical issues, which limit plant growth and yield. Deficiency of micronutrients is influenced by different agroclimatic conditions. Maize (Zea mays L.) being less adapted to poor soil conditions, therefore producing lower crop yields. This study was conducted in the University Research Farm Koont in 2016. Experimentation had been performed in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) two factorial. Seeds of maize were sown on 5th March 2016. The treatments were as: T1= Control (no treatment was applied), T2= Foliar application of boron, T3= band placement of boron in the soil, T4= Broadcasting. Different parameters were studied during the whole experiment; ear node diameter, Flag Leaf Area, Days to 50% Silking, Plant Height, Cob Height, Number of Tassel Branches, Number of kernel Rows Ear-1 ,100-grain weight, seed yield. This experiment ultimately helped to find the productive potential of maize under different methods of boron application in rain-fed areas.
Keywords: Biofortification, fertilizer, hidden hunger, micronutrients, seed coating, seed priming.
*Corresponding author: Annam Yar:
Cite this article as Yar, A. 2021. Effect of different methods of boron application on growth and yield attributes of maize (Zea mays l.). Journal of Environmental & Agricultural Sciences. 23(1&2): 36-43.
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