Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (JEAS). Bhatt et al., 2017. Volume 10: 1-19
Open Access – Review Article
Zero Tillage Impacts on Soil Environment and Properties
Rajan Bhatt 1,*
1 University Seed Farm, Usman, Tarn Taran, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Abstract: Tillage-mechanical manipulation of the soil done to have a fine seed bed, get rid of weeds and to decrease the leaching and percolation losses for the better land productivity but on the long run observed to have negative effects on the soil properties, structure and finally onto the environment. Agriculture contributes to greenhouse gas affecting the atmosphere. Processes of climate change mitigation and adaptation delineate zero tillage (ZT) as environment friendly. But initially, zero tillage performance is still in question because of higher weed biomass. Number of scientists reported differential effects of the zero tillage on soil health, properties and the environment. However, its adoption still under doubt as farmers doesn’t agree to divert from the old indigenous lines. Among tillage viz. conventional (CT), minimum (MT) and ZT-their effects on the soil properties and crop yield varied. Therefore, choice of any tillage system is too critical for maintenance of the soil physical properties necessary for crop growth. However, effect of different tillage systems on soil properties depends on the site-specific biophysical environment such as soil texture, prevailing climate variations, site characteristics, period of adoption, seasonal variability in rainfall, inherent soil fertility status. Till now there is confusion among not only in farmers but also in scientists regarding performance of different tillage systems with respect to soil health, land and water productivity and the environment. Further, their residual effects during intervening period have not been attended much till date. Keeping all this under consideration, this review is compiled to come out with a perfect tillage system which ultimately leads to the sustainable/climate smart agriculture. Finally, we concluded that minimum tillage has an edge from both other tillage system and found to be best in texturally divergent soils under different agro-climatic conditions.
Keywords: Conservation agriculture, environment, mulching, soil, sustainable agriculture, Zero Tillage,
Corresponding author: Rajan Bhatt:,
Cite this article as: Bhatt, R. 2017. Zero tillage impacts on soil environment and properties. Journal of Environmental & Agricultural Sciences. 10: 01-19. [Abstract] [View Full-Text][Citations] Title: Zero Tillage Impacts on Soil Environment and Properties Authors: Rajan Bhatt Pages: 01-19
Copyright © Bhatt, 2017. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original author and source are appropriately cited and credited. Zero Tillage
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